Slide Mountain High
I grew up in Titusville, Pennsylvania, a town of some 7000 kindly souls, located a hop and a skip south of Erie in the famous Buffalo...
A Santa Fe Christmas, Part II
In Part I of my story, I wrote of arriving in New Mexico with my wife Carol and my one-year-old son Jake, and there discovering the...
A Santa Fe Christmas, Part I
Carol and I moved to New Mexico in 1987. Our only child Jake was born in the village of Corrales three years later. In my book Because It...
Are the Stars Out Tonight?
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet... Rudyard Kipling, “The Ballad of East and West” How is the American...
Musica Universalis
All the sounds of the earth are like music. Oscar Hammerstein II Sometime around the year 1600, the German astronomer and mathematician...
The Horse Nation of the West is Dancing
Horses evolved in North America during the Pliocene Epoch, some 4 to 4.5 million years ago. Superbly adaptable, this subspecies of the...
Billions! Billions!
And so, once more, the ravenous, the vain, and the simple-minded howl at the gates. We learn, to our great surprise, that Trump and his...
Kroenke, Emmerson, Irving, Tra-La!
In a recent post I explained my reasons for opposing the captive breeding of the gravely endangered California condor; and, by extension,...
Watt Destroys Yosemite!
Former Park Resembles Iowa Vacations Ruined YOSEMITE, CA—In a move that caught park officials by surprise, Interior Secretary James Watt...
A year ago next week, Carol, Jake, and I said goodbye to our beloved golden retriever, Goldie. Goldie had been with us for nearly sixteen...